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Me, LIVING every day of my life!

My Story

LIVING every day!


Insomnia, unexplained hair loss, inability to lose weight/unexplained weight gain, eczema, body/joint aches, allergies and chemical sensitivities, Lupus, mitral valve prolapse, tachycardia, IBS, migraines, Crohn’s Disease, “A grab bag of autoimmune diseases”, A-Fib, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dermatitis Herpetiformis and eventually, Menopause!


These are just some of the symptoms I experienced and diagnoses I received beginning around age 20+.  I almost always felt sick and tired…and had spent loads of money seeking help from the medical establishment without success. Their recommendation of exercise more and eat less was not helpful, and in fact, caused more harm. 


Then a little after I turned 40…some of these challenges collided. No one except my husband really knew my challenges. I was good at hiding my pain.  I was just existing, taking liver poisoning meds for a skin condition plus 800 - 1000 mg ibuprofen daily for joint and body aches, and experiencing 3 day migraines every few weeks. I generally felt like crap, with poor digestion, gaining weight rapidly for unknown reasons and the real low point was yet to come.  I was defeated , depressed and ashamed to be in public. I was TIRED AND SICK ALL THE TIME. The brain fog and INSOMNIA was also killing me.  I couldn't even get a reprieve at night because my mind/body wouldn't sleep.

 I secretly didn’t care if I died.


At the end of 2011, after having an unnecessary  surgery that I thought would help but didn’t, I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I had never really been one to make resolutions for the new year but decided I would create major change for 2012 and save my life.  I had been researching behavior and mindset and trying EVERY alternative approach available.  And then a shift happened, I began to look at things differently.  I stopped feeling sorry for myself and made a promise to fix what doctors and therapists couldn’t. 


I began to create small changes, first in diet, then environment, then movement, and connection with nature.  All the things that most doctors rarely advise. My final frontier was addressing stress, understanding my anxiety and past trauma, and essentially learning to rewire my brain to think and feel differently. It took some time but made a huge impact. I couldn't believe that I had dismissed this crucial element of health.  Finally, I had made my whole health my #1 priority. It wasn’t always easy but how could I continue down the road of despair? I had to choose another route!  I can only imagine how much more of my life would've been wasted by not taking action. 


Fast forward I am thriving and aging better than I could have ever imagined.  At 53, I am stronger, more fit and healthier than most 30 year olds.  I know and practice the secrets of longevity! I am appreciative of all the things my body can do because I finally listened to it. It was never working against me, it was always rooting for me and only trying to tell me it’s challenges in the best way it could.  I also now understand that health is not just managing your physical body but also addressing the health of your mind and spirit.  This is THE ONLY WAY to achieve whole health!


I am so thankful for that journey and the challenges I faced. My life and that of my family’s has been transformed! I am not dependent on meds and doctors that only treat symptoms and say things like “We just don’t know.” or "Eat less and exercise more."   Don’t get me wrong, I still have occasional struggles but that's life, and I generally overcome them quickly... it’s hard to undo 40+ years of lifestyle damage right away. I didn’t get sick overnight and shouldn’t expect to be healed that way. 


"I have been given various titles as a coach, including the Gong Coach, the Rhythm Coach, the Natural Coach, the Midlife Coach, and the Crazy Wise Coach. While all these titles are accurate, my favorite is the Transformational Coach because that is what I take pride in. As a coach, I stand by your side and assist you in transforming your health and well-being. It brings me immense happiness to help others lead a better life by aligning with their natural rhythms and by using my ESSENTIALS OF OPTIMAL HEALTH.

Every day of my life is the best when I am helping others, and I am grateful for it.

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